We sleep out under the stars, and eat our meals in the open air. 我们在星空下露宿,在野外用餐。
Taking a 10-minute nap can increase your alertness and productivity and recent research found that sleep also clears out the clutter in your brain at a cellular level. 小睡10分钟就能提高你的反应速度和工作效率。最近的研究还发现睡眠还能从细胞着手清除你脑袋里杂七杂八的想法。
Mom says the cat will have to sleep out next to Clifford. 妈妈说小猫咪得要睡在Clifford的外面。
We therefore decided that we would sleep out in tents on fine nights, and in hotels when it rained. 所以我们决定天气好就在外面露营,下雨就住旅馆。
The scouts plan to sleep out next saturday. 童子军打算下星期六去露营。
To what she needs He'd give up all his comforts, And sleep out in the rain. 对于她的要求,他可以不辞辛苦,在雨里睡觉。
Desperate for a good night's sleep? Check out our tips and you could be sleeping better by tonight! 睡更多更好的觉,捷径何在?看看这篇文章,今晚就入好梦。
Sleep was out of the question, of course. They merely took turns lying down a bit as the director had predicted. 睡眠当然是无望了,只实做了局长所说的轮流躺着歇歇。
I suggested we sleep out in the open, but he balked at the idea. 我建议在露天睡觉,但他对此犹豫不决。
The cooks and the waiters sleep out, in their own homes. 厨师和服务员都住在他们自己的家里。
Her ambition now is that she would sleep out the whole night without being interrupted by her two-month-old baby. 她现在最大的理想就是她两个月的宝宝不打搅她让她睡个整觉。
He rubbed his eyes to force the sleep out of them. 他擦擦眼睛,想驱走睡意。
Make sure the door and window of the house closed before going to sleep or out. 夜晚临睡前或离家外出前应仔细检查门、窗是否已全部关闭。
They rub the sleep out of their eyes. 他们揉了揉惺忪的睡眼,强打起精神来。
Suddenly, the networks will sit up, rub the sleep out of their eyes, and start looking for places to plug the Celtics into their national schedule. 网络工作人员也为此熬起夜不止,揉一揉眼睛,把疲劳赶跑,在节目表上满世界地找,想方设法要把凯尔特人队插到全国的热点新闻中去。
It's getting a bit cold to sleep out. 天气有点凉了,不能在外头睡。
Sleep six months out of twelve. 一年十二个月,睡上六个月。
One day, the young mouse woke up from his sleep and looked out of the hole. 一天,小老鼠从睡梦中醒来,探出头向洞外望去。
No matter how hot it is, I don't like to sleep out. 不管天气多么热,我也不愿睡在外边。
Their children are always going to parties and seem to sleep out nearly every night. 他们的孩子总是去参加聚会,好像几乎每晚都在外过夜。
Many sleep experts point out that sleeping on your back is a good option for those who suffer from arthritis and joint pain. 许多睡眠专家指出,对于饱受关节炎以及关节疼痛之苦的人来说,脸朝上平躺着睡觉是个不错的选择。
He'd give up all his comforts, sleep out in the rain, if she said that's the way it ought to be. 他会放弃一切享受,雨天时露宿街头,如果她说应该要这样才对。
It's so warm I feel I could sleep out. 天气这么暖和,我觉得可以睡到户外去。
Be quiet! Let her have her sleep out. 安静!让她睡个够吧。
He took his sleep stretched out like a lion, and like a she-lion: by whom will his rest be broken? May a blessing be on everyone who gives you blessing, and a curse on everyone by whom you are cursed. 他蹲如公狮,卧如母狮,谁敢惹他,凡给你祝福的,愿他蒙福。凡咒诅你的,愿他受咒诅。
Sleep sleep sleep, sleep out ideal and slobber. 睡觉睡着睡着,就睡出了理想和口水。
They had to sleep out of doom that night. 那晚他们得睡在户外。
You can't sleep out; anything might happen to you. 你不能离家外宿,你有可能出事的。